Brian Martin Sex Tonight
A great record on American Disco Records (AMD 010) from 1984. He only made 1 record under that name absurd that there is no more, i love this song. I adore this song and lucky i have it on vinyl.

Front Cover
Brian Martin Sex Tonight Info
This song was sung by Brian Martin himself with his wonderfull voice, backing vocals sung by Nicoletta no info found on her like a lot of other records from italy. On guitar Michéle Klipstein, keyboards Francesco Boscolo, and on Saxophone Giancarlo Porro.

Back Cover
Written and Produced
This record is written by Francesco Boscolo and Nicola Paccagnella and produced by Francesco Boscolo, Matteo Miscia, Osio, Valter Cremonini. Co-producers David Zambelli and Walter Verdi.

Label A
Very nice label colors back in the 80s American Disco Records had many different label design but i love this one very much.

Label B
Engineer and Remix
The engineer is Gianni Muolo and engineer (sound) mixed by Marilù, Massimo Noè last one also made the remix.
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Youtube Link
tnx to StefanDenHaag
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