GJ Lunghi Acapulco Nights
Real name of GJ Lunghi is Gabriella Jennifer Lunghi born on 23 September 1962 in London.
Front Cover
After playing in a local band in London she moved to Rome, recorded Honey Lender on Turbo Records (1984)
Back Cover
This record Acapulco Nights was recorded in 1984 on Memory records code MEMIX 024.
GJ Lunghi Acapulco Nights Written
This song is written by Gianfranco Fornaciari, Jungleib (Mirco Dalporto) and Sandro Oliva.
Label A
This song is 112 BPM an amazing rhythem and synths, i love the piano.
GJ Lunghi Acapulco Nights Produced and Arranged
Ofcourse produced by Stefano Cundari the great man of Memory Records, arranged by I Gemelli Terribili and Stefano Cundari. Executive-Producer Alessandro Zanni.
Label B
Published and Cover Design
record is published by Renata Edizioni Musicali and Durium Edizioni Musicali, the cover Emilio Tremolada
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/Brilliant song By Baby’s Gang – Happy Song